söndag 18 september 2016

Seven cups of tea

碗喉吻润, 碗破孤闷。
yī wǎn hóu wěn rùn, èr wǎn pò gūmèn
三碗搜枯肠, 惟有文字五千卷。
sān wǎn sōu kūcháng, wéi yǒu wénzì wǔqiān juàn
四碗发轻汗, 平生不平事,尽向毛孔散。
sì wǎn fā qīng hàn, píngshēng bùpíng shì, jìn xiàng máokǒng sàn
五碗肌骨清, 六碗通仙灵。
wǔ wǎn jī gǔ qīng, liù wǎn tōng xiān líng
七碗吃不得也, 唯觉两腋习习清风生。
qī wǎn chī bùdé yě, wéi jué liǎng yè xíxí qīngfēng shēng
The first bowl moistens my lips and throat;
The second bowl breaks my loneliness;
The third bowl searches my barren entrails but to find
Therein some five thousand scrolls;
The fourth bowl raises a slight perspiration
And all life’s inequities pass out through my pores;
The fifth bowl purifies my flesh and bones;
The sixth bowl calls me to the immortals.
The seventh bowl could not be drunk,
only the breath of the cool wind raises in my sleeves.

- Lu Tong 

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